
Current Projects on the Workbench

Welcome back- got a beer? Good....

So I am making some Fenris Terrain for my friend's Space Wolves army, and I have tried some experimenting with the foam cutter and making ice- cliffs with lots of parallel lines intersecting at wild and odd angle, sort of inspired by the Fortress of Solitude. The guys at the shop loved it, but it was no stretch. I have seen some arctic terrain that is TRULY cool and inspiring, and I plan on working some more on that this week and posting some pics up here of the finished product.

Also on the workbench:
Fallout Terrain
Ocean Mining platform terrain
Desert terrain
Painting a Wave Serpent
Modeling a destroyed wave serpent
Warhammer village

Another thing I am going to start doing is You Tube videos, not only of my projects, but hopefully some battle reports too. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas about what I can do to make something exceptional for the Fenrisian Gaming Board.

More to come!

-The Scandalousrogue