
I likes 'em BIG!

So, I made a commitment the other day to build a Valkyrie in 1/8th scale, and while no one reads my blog (I am really bad at blogging, unlike my wife) I am going to try and keep a regular journal on this project in the form of a Vlog and a Blog.

This is going to be challenging, but fun!


Warhammer Village comes to life

This is a bad picture overall,but I think it shows the detail of the clock just fine and that is what I was going for - so I posted it. There is a lot more work to be done on this piece, this is merely a WIP update.
Here are two of the pieces of the Warhammer Building Set together that I am working on. I got tired of the chapel and move3d on to the manor, and now I see a lot of stuff that needs to be finished on the chapel!
Here are the four pieces of the manor house put together as it is shown on the box lid. I like the deep scab red on the doors. I was not too sure about it at first.

Also plain to see in this picture is that the tower section stonework had been dry-brushed after washing, but the other pieces have only been washed and not dry-brushed.

So tomorrow I will keep on pluggin away at these pieces unrtil they are finished! Comments always welcome.


More Warhammer Village

So this is the Chapel so far, most of the way there at least. More detail work to be done and more weathering of course.

I tried to be different with the stone work here, washing with sepia inks instead of black inks. I lind of like that it is not the predictable (for my style at least) drab gray stone work. It looks like it could be limestone or something.

The torches look alright, but I wish I could make them look brighter somehow....

What do you think?


My friend and team mate had the Warhammer villiage and I asked him could I assemble it and paint it. I can not remember when that was for sure, but there was snow and ice on the ground, so needless to say it is hi time I get it done.

I started painting with a white primer, then preshaded all of the towers and buildings with Tamiya Neutral Grey XF-53. Then I moves on to base coating the white buildings with a light spraying of Tamiya Flat WHite XF-2, and various colours for the slate roofs and also for the red- tiled roofs.


Team battles

The rules are simple-

One team, two players. One HQ, minimum one troops choice. 1Kpts each General.

So I am Blood Angels and teamed up with Space Wolves, and we have been pretty happy thus far.

I am making a team themed display board for our armies. I am starting today, and I will try and update here regularly. The reason is this is a series of team games based on all aspects of the hobby. We did well in the two other categories, second in generalship and first in sportsmanship, but lost on one merit- painting and theme. So. it is up to me to get to work. And I shall- starting today.

So watch for updates and give me feedback.



WIP for today

I have gained some ground on the many projects I have in the shop at the moment, but what I really need to do is just sit and paint paint paint! I have some terrain I am going to paint up this afternoon as well as some airbrush work on the Wave Serpent. Maybe I will take some photos and put up on here. Anyone have any advice on getting good close up pics of miniatures with a point-and-shoot camera? Any advice anyone has would be helpful, my little digicam is not that great for taking pics of minis it seems....



I am sorry I do not have any pics yet-

But tonight I worked on hills and other terrain for the store, Gamer Gambit, and am trying to get three terrain boards with hills and other stuff done by the tournament while cranking on my army.

Magnetized and primed/ sub- assembled one Ball Pred tonight. Going to do the other Friday- Saturday. Yeah, I know.... and I plan to paint it too!

I am trying hard for Best Painted Army, but I doubt I will get it with so little time. I mean I could proxy my Blood Ravens for Blood Angels and have a shot, but that is just dishonest...

Here is my 1750 point list. Light on troops, I know, but I am hoping that if the Assault Marines are slaughtered I can at least contest with so much Fast Armor!

Actually, I feel kinda naked without my Land Raider. But- I digress. Here is the list:

Here is a potential BA list- taking advantage of the rhino-chassied vehicles as much as I can (limited by the models I own now) for a tourney this Sunday- REMEMBER- I am limited to the models I own, so it is not ideal. I have a LOT of troops choices, but they seem to bog me down.

Thanks for any feedback.

Mephiston- 250

2 x 10 man Assault Marines, 2 meltas with PF and MB - 480

1x Baal Pred, FSC, Hvy Flamers sponsons, SB- 150
1x baal Pred, Hvy B, SB - 155

Pred, TLLC, LC Sponsons, SB - 155
Vindy, SB, Dozer Blade - 160
Dread- 105

10 Stern Guard, Melta, Las Can, PF- 250

1750 pts

Now- tell me all the ways I am screwing up !



For my birthday I recieved a Chaos Space Marine Battle Force, which means I have over three hundred models waiting for me to finish painting them. I think it is about time I got started.

I use the assembly line method because when you are fdone with a goup, it is that much more satisfying, in my humble opinion. Looking at a whole line of mini's all brightly painted and ready for war is one of my favorite parts of this hobby.

BUT- it is kind of daunting, having SO MANY models to try and finish. I find it hard to motivate sometimes. It just seems overwealming, you know what I mean?

Anyway, the other bit of news I have is this: I have a fully updated version of Final Cut Pro for me to edit my videos on so I can finally (hopefully) start posting some vids of my work and putting them online.


One of the projects I have going right now is a Warhammer village. My friend had the manor house kit and all of the buildings, fences, towers etc. that came with it. What a huge project this has turned out to be!

I am scratch building a lot of other buildings as well, including a little outhouse I have in the pics I took of the village. Here is the Temple next to the outhouse on a hill all made by me. The temple is of course a kit.

I have a lot of plans for this Warhammer village, not only these amazing plastic kits but the buildings I am planning to build to flesh everything out more. I think there will be around fifteen buildings when I am all done.

Thought I would throw up a few more pics of the Bling Orc Trukk and the Water Mining Platform stuff I am throwing together as well. Lastly, some of the arctic hills are in the bunch.

More updates coming soon!

I am WAY behind already!

1'750 pt. tournament a week from Sunday.

I am trying to paint that many points in the short amount of time I have from now until then. I have everything I need for the list I have chosen, but I am not firm on the list, I have stuff to take out tanks AND infantry, however I am going in at this point without any psycher or anti-psycher ability.

Oh- I am fielding Blood Angels and NOT Blood Ravens, shoudl be interesting... I am not used to playing an assaulting army.

I promise soon I am going to get pics and vids up of the other projects I am working on.



Current Projects on the Workbench

Welcome back- got a beer? Good....

So I am making some Fenris Terrain for my friend's Space Wolves army, and I have tried some experimenting with the foam cutter and making ice- cliffs with lots of parallel lines intersecting at wild and odd angle, sort of inspired by the Fortress of Solitude. The guys at the shop loved it, but it was no stretch. I have seen some arctic terrain that is TRULY cool and inspiring, and I plan on working some more on that this week and posting some pics up here of the finished product.

Also on the workbench:
Fallout Terrain
Ocean Mining platform terrain
Desert terrain
Painting a Wave Serpent
Modeling a destroyed wave serpent
Warhammer village

Another thing I am going to start doing is You Tube videos, not only of my projects, but hopefully some battle reports too. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas about what I can do to make something exceptional for the Fenrisian Gaming Board.

More to come!

-The Scandalousrogue

Welcome! Pull up a chair- have a beer on me and lets shoot the breeze. Especially if we are talking about miniature war gaming and role playing games terrain and accessories.

One thing you should definitely know about me is I am an alpha-dork. I am a nerd and a model builder. I am a gamer and I am an historian, and I am fiercely proud of these facts. I can chat about gaming or military history all night long, and if we are drinking, pretty soon I am going to start singing...

But I digress. This blog is about war games terrain and all things miniature. Right now I am working on several projects and I will share ideas and tips here as well as ask for your feedback, ideas and comments.

There are a couple of pieces that I have almost finished and I will get some pics up here real soon. Until then, stay inspired! And may your brushes stay pointy!

P.S.- Anyone have any ideas on how to make cool looking arctic terrain?